Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Early Years

Elaine and I celebrated our 67th Wedding Anniversary earlier this Month. This picture is of the first of the eight homes we have  lived in and owned during that period. This also happened to be the first house my parents lived in after spending a few months living with Dad's parents. The house was a small 22'square, 4-room structure with 2 small bedrooms, kitchen and living room with a cellar under the kitchen. We built on a bathroom during the 5 years we lived there. We also built the stone wall, bought the  new'52 Chevy, and got our first TV during that time. Our greatest change was the addition of Tim, Carolyn & Jon.
Verlon was born  while we were still living in a rented apartment. We look back on these days and wonder how we managed. Elaine would load all four kids in the car (without seat belts) and go to her folks to pick and can vegitables out of the garden as well as peaches, blue plums, etc.  Along with my SCS job, I did several additional things to help us "make ends meet".  We didn't have credit cards and never ever considered any alternative to "living within our means". 

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