Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jack & the Lawn

Jack came to visit early this morning while I was working on my Ipad for a meeting tomorrow. He will never know what it was like to live without the technology which he just takes for granted. He knows which button to push to start the 3 second "count down" to take a selfie with "Iphoto" on my Laptop. He still likes to have Elaine and I pick him up but he's getting to the point of being pretty heavy for Elaine. She always spends some time with him on her lap looking at birds out our kitchen windows.  She has enabled him to watch an educational TV program on NET while I am gone to my morning coffee. He is always happy to see me when I get home.
Here is the selfie that he took this morning. After a week of adjusting to having our lawn mowed for us, the fellow came this evening. It is a warm, humid evening and the fellow used a powerful "mulcher mower" to do a good job. He then did some trimming with a weed eater. I feel much better about having someone else doing the mowing, now that I've seen it done. It was some 60 years ago that I took care of Charley Campbell's lawn. We lived in the same neighborhood and  always looking for a way to make an extra dollar. I don't think I did as good a job on the Campbell lawn as this fellow has done on ours.

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