Saturday, April 16, 2016

For the Last Time

Kobe Bryant scored 60points Wednesday night in his last NBA game as his Lakers beat the Jazz. Kobe knows that after a 20 year career, he will never play another professional basketball game. Seldom do most of us know when it may be the last time to do something that we have done so many times before.  As we grow older, we begin to recognize certain things we may be doing for the last time. Elaine's Mother told us that it was the last time they would come back to visit us in Virginia  and then made 3-4 more visits. I don't remember when I played my last baseball game because I expected to play a few more games.
But this morning, Elaine and I borrowed a truck and hauled brush to the Burn Pile "For The Last Time".  It represented a collection of yard accumulation over the past couple years. We did it in two trips rather than climbing in the truck to tramp it down and put it all on one load. We laid a tarp in the bed of the truck and was able to pull it out to unload. We got along OK but needed to set down and rest as we loaded. We could have hired it done but there are some rather personal things that you have always done and hate to give it up.

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