Friday, April 29, 2016

National Parks

We have several books on National Parks, but this is one of our favorites. It lists the current 58 National Parks by 7 Regions and  tells a bit about each one within its 432 pages. The Ken Burns, PBS series this week has stimulated a lot of interest in the parks. We have visited a number of the parks but often did it in connection with another destination. Though I kept my daily Journal through most of these visits, it will take some research to put a specific number on those that we have "visited". During the early years of the Franklin Roosevelt administration, National Parks Superintendent Horace Albright, encouraged the President to issue Executive orders transferring National Battlefields, Historic sites, Memorials, Monuments, Historic Shrines, etc. to the National Park Service.
During the summer of 1952 we drove our Motor Home, trailed the VW Beetle, and took Carolyn and Julie along on a trip to Yellowstone NP. Our side trips included leaving the Motor Home at Ft. Robinson and driving the VW up to Mt. Rushmore and on to Yellowstone. After camping near Fishing Bridge, we toured the park for a few days with the VW. The Girls bought me the 104 page Passport booklet that provided descriptions of parks, memorials, etc and space for a "date stamp" of the place. We used the Passport on many of our later trips and wished we would have had it from the beginning of our traveling. I hope to utilize the information and pictures that we have and write a story of our travels and visits to National Parks.

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