Thursday, September 4, 2014

Peperomia Plant with Flower

Elaine had a Happy Birthday yesterday and she continues to have a "special gift" which is shown in this picture. It is of a Peperomia plant which she has had setting on our dining room table for several years. It is in a perfect spot where it gets bright light from a south window but out of direct sunlight. Elaine was given a "slip" from a plant she had commented on some 25 years ago. She brought it home, rooted, and planted it in a small pot. She has repotted it some time ago. It has an interesting characteristic of sending out "tentacles" which twist together to support their vertical growth which provides the plants relatively slow growth. The plant requires very little care with only infrequent watering. The first time we saw a flower on the plant was at the time of my birthday over a year ago and now it is blooming for Elaine's. We enjoy it even though we don't know a lot about it, especially the flower.