Sunday, September 21, 2014

Eleanor Roosevelt

We were probably among the few people in Nebraska that watched the 7th and final episode of "The Roosevelt's" last night instead of the first half of the Nebraska-Miami football game. The Ken Burns Roosevelt series was shown throughout the week from 7:00-9:00 pm on NET 2 and from 9:00-11:00 on NET 1. We did see the second half of the game and were pleased to see Nebraska win in the very intense "atmosphere". The first half of the Roosevelt's last night included FDR's  reelection to a 4th term, his meeting with Churchill and Stalin at Yalta, and his death at the "Little White House" in Georgia. The 2nd half of the program was primarily on Eleanor. While she was aware of Franklin's affair with her social secretary Lucy Mercer, early in his Presidency, she was told at the time of his death about the renewal of that relationship during his later years. And, of how her own daughter Anne had been a part of the scheme to keep her (Eleanor) in the dark about it. It was a devastating blow to her but she persevered, was appointed to the United Nations and left a legacy of concern for others, that established her place in History.  We have visited the site at Hyde Park where she and Franklin are buried. My sister Vivian who taught Social Studies in Jr. High was a long time dedicated Democrat who would have loved the entire Ken Burns "Roosevelt" series and especially the way Eleanor's ability and accomplishments were presented.

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