Saturday, March 16, 2019

Emergency Room Visit

I think I may have overdone therapy treatments yesterday and paid the price last night and today. I had some trouble sleeping during the night while having trouble with breath and relaxation. I was tempted to get up and see if I could sleep sitting in my chair but never quite got to that point and slept better as morning approached. After breakfast this morning, getting “chores done” and a round of therapy, I decided to take a short nap and was pleasantly awakened by Jack when Julie and he came to visit. I was real pleased that they came and we had a good visit. Our noon meal left something to be desired but a good salad and apple crisp dessert helped make up for the Chicken thigh and sauerkraut. After another round of therapy, I again felt the need for a nap. It was unsuccessful; waking up about 15 minutes after laying down and unable to go back to sleep with some difficulty breathing. I got up and sat in the chair with Elaine and just relaxed reading the newspapers for about an hour when I tried for another nap. It turned out the same way so I felt the need to get Carolyn alerted. She came right over and had a guide from Bryan that suggested going to the Emergency Room with problems sleeping. We got down to the ER at Seward Hospital where they checked my vitals and took a chest X-ray. Dr. Rahul Signh was on duty and indicated that everything looked real good. I was given a shot of Prednisone and a couple 25mg Benedryl pills suggested at bedtime for sleep aid. I was back to our unit by 5:30 where Elaine had our supper delivered. We were real pleased with the results of our ER visit and am optimistic that it will keep me moving forward.

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