Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Follow-up Check by Dr.Mausolf

I had a 1:00pm appointment with our Opthomologist, Dr. Fredrick A. Mausolf as a follow-up of my cataract surgery last Tuesday. We always allow a little extra time when driving to appointments in Lincoln and with everything going well, we got there 20 minutes early. At about 1:30, I was awakened from a sound sleep in the waiting room and escorted in where Bernice (a new nurse) updated our records and gave me a visual test. I was somewhat disappointed that I could read a line lower with my left eye than the right, the one with the cataract removed. After another lengthy wait, Dr. Mausolf came in for 3-4 minutes but got called out and didn't get back for about a half hour. My eye was dilated and he used his "microscopic
 ' equipment to examine the inplant and healing, following the cataract removal. He was very satisfied with its condition. I will go back to the Eye Institute next Tuesday where Dr. Linder will work on the left eye and we will repeat the recovery visits and eye drop  regimen. Elaine had a scheduled appointment with Dr. Mausolf for April 29. He said it would be about the time for me to have my "new eyes" tested for new glasses. They were able to just add me in on Elaine's appointment. We were able to leave the office by 3:00pm but Elaine drove home. We had hoped to do a bit of shopping but after spending that much time there and not being able to see very well, decided to come straight home. We are enjoying the Folk Music this evening on Net.

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