Thursday, April 5, 2012

Abandoned House in the Hills

Ted Kooser was at Chapters Book Store in Seward this past Saturday talking about his new book, "House Held Up By Trees". This is the house as it looks today and Kooser tells of having walked past it over the years. According to the Seward Independent, the story in his book, is about a family living there and the decline of the house as they moved on. One of the fellows at coffee this morning was able to confirm by looking at old maps, that his Great-Grandparents homesteaded the quarter-section of land on which the house was built. I too remember doing some soil conservation work on the farm when Joe Pavel owned it during the '40's-'50's. They lived in the Staplehurst area and Elaine remembers them going back and forth past where she lived as a girl, to farm this place. The north side of the farm was next to  the road "through the hills" that we traveled to go to Bee from where we lived, when I was a kid. But the house was located on the north-south road and not visible from where we drove. I doubt there is any salvage value in the place today unless it may be is some "well weathered" boards with "artistic value" or for Authors and Poets to use for "inspiration".

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