Kiwanis member Shane Baack provided the program this noon following a delicious Cordon Bleu dinner catered by Pac n Sav. Shane talked about the progress being made in the establishment of the "Seward County Wellness Center". Shane is working with a committee of County citizens, the City of Seward, and individuals who see this as a facility that would promote "Family Wellness" within the County. The facility is being planned at the location of the recent "Mike's Market" and earlier as a "Hinky-Dinky" grocery store for many years. It is in the heart of the Downtown Area just a block from the City Square. The project has reached the fund raising stage with Shane reporting considerable optimism." A few years ago the City proposed a Wellness Center about twice the size of this 27,000 sq. ft. facility but didn't find sufficient interest because of a tax issue. It appears that the leadership of this project has this proposal on a much more solid footing than the earlier proposal.

This preliminary drawing (with the top to the east) shows the multi lane swimming pool within the redeveloped old Mike's Market area. The basket ball area with other facilities in the lower level, will all be new construction. The swimming facility will be build so that competitive events can be held there similar to the large number of people that come to Seward for Basket Ball competition. Shane makes a point that this facility will not be a distraction from the existing businesses in town because of the difference in what will be provided. I was a bit dubious about the project based on the earlier attempt, but after hearing Shane's presentation, reviewing his hand-out brochure and visiting their web site at "sewardcountywellness@gmail.com", I am fully in favor and am satisfied Shane can provide the leadership to bring it about and make it successful.
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