Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day

Jack is pretty proud of his little Toyota electric car that he got for Christmas. Sadie got a fancy doll house with all the trimmings. She seemed to enjoy Jack's car more than what his interest was in her doll house. By afternoon, it was neat to watch Jack back up into places where he had to turn the wheels first one way and then the other. He understands all about shifting gears and going slow. I told John that after his growing up with a "Toy" like this, he will probably be able to drive his Dad's SUV when he's 10 years old. 
We had a great Prime Rib Dinner with potatoes, sour kraut, pink stuff, etc. eggnog and Chocolate cake for dessert. Some of us attempted to play a new card game that had been a gift, but we didn't get very far with it. Ben and Carolyn brought us home and went on to their new house where they slept last night for the first time. They were able to get the Mover's to come yesterday with the weather outlook questionable for the next few days.
I had the first taste of cake before taking the picture is why the point is missing. It was delicious. The little wine glass is from a set that we had for many years from Czechoslovakia.  Tim called this morning and we had a good visit about they're not getting with their kids until next week end. Jon called after we got home. They were down in Florida visiting Heather and will be out here next week. He is on unpaid furlough. We talked to Verlon this evening soon after his getting home from Ed and Katie's who have been close friends for many years. Dr. Vahle stopped bye to visit so all-in-all, we had a great and Merry Christmas, which we extent to all viewers.

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