Saturday, July 9, 2016

Neat Letter Opener-Great Guy

Bill C. Heidbreder began employment with Rupp & Co. here is Seward as a High School student. Rupp's was a general hardware store with many years of history. It was also a place where young Billy would listen to the stories exchanged by Seward Businessmen as they gathered there to drink coffee. Bill was close to my age and I first knew him as one of the best skaters at the Seward Roller Rink. He never married and had a knack for "thinking outside the box". He had a house built in his later years and asked that a door  knob not be installed at the front entrance. His reasoning was that if he wanted someone to come in, he would open the door from the inside. They sold rope at the hardware store,  and he kept it in the damp basement with a hole in the floor to display it near the cash register. Customers thought it was to save space but they sold it by the pound. He was a great source of information and involved in various businesses during his Diabetes  shortened life. An example is the little letter opener shown on an envelope in the picture. They are excellent "letter openers" and don't damage the envelope. I use them for taking notes, scratch paper, and reminding me of many things. The sharp little blade in the letter opener is a reminder of Billy's sharpness even after he lost his eyesight. Let me know if you would like to have one of the openers. Billy left several of them to me.

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