Friday, May 1, 2015

Kiwanis Key Club Senior Citizens Prom

The Kitones sang at the Kiwanis Key Club, Senior Citizens Prom at the Seward High School this evening. The old Gym was well decorated and a significant number of folks from the Seward Care Centers were brought to the party. A disc jockey provided very appropriate music and treats were available. There must have been over 20 wheel chairs with Key Clubers providing the locomotion. A King and Queen will be crowned later this evening with the whole event covered by the local press.
Elaine’s 95-year old sister Joyce, was among those enjoying the event. Her “escort” and I are shown with her in front of a “stand-alone” cardboard model of a fancy car. While we visit Joyce occasionally at Ridgewood, I probably had the best visit with her after we sang this evening than I have had for some time. It is interesting what the music, the young people reaching out to them and the climate of having a “Good Time” does for people. I don’t know how well Joyce will be able to express her appreciation to her “escort” and the “Key Club” in general, but knowing her as I do, they did more for her than what she even realized. They are like Angels. 

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