Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rural Housing Development near Garland, NE

This is a rural development area, 4 miles south of Garland that suffered some storm damage Sunday. Highway #34 runs through the Imig farm which they have developed for housing. The highway at the top-right part of the picture links #34 to Garland. We drove into the southern part of this development on our way home from Lincoln this afternoon. The road that runs south (down) from #34 leads the farm where my Mother lived with her folks at the time she and Dad were married. Grandpa Walkers owned that farm for many years and as a youngster I would spentd a week with them every summer. The 160 acre farm that Imigs have developed was owned at one time by my Uncle Bert Walker; as a young man, I hunted rabbits over it with him. While on the County Planning Commission several years ago, I attempted to discourage this type of development primarily because of the water situation. I knew that my Grandparents well was deep and the aquifer somewhat questionable. We are sympathetic to the people in the area that lost buildings to the Sunday storm but just amazed at the number who prefer to live "in the country" with their own water/waste water facilities, crushed rock roads, etc. rather than in town. But they have never had to push an old Model A Ford up that steep hill to get to the Highway as I have had to do  and their wells haven't gone dry--yet. 

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