Friday, September 4, 2015

Seward City Swimming Pool

This is a very good descriptive picture of the Seward “Key-hole” swimming pool. These 90 degree temperatures would make it a very popular place this weekend had it not been closed before school started a couple weeks ago. I was on the City Council during the time the pool was planned and constructed. The old round pool was widely know throughout the state for its unique design. While there was sentiment for continuing the round feature, the need to swimming lanes was also recognized. Some of us on the Council were involved at a listening session where various features were discussed  including the shape of the new pool. During the discussion, I scribbled what came to be know as a “Key-hole” design. It obviously went through several iterations but that was what led to the final, very well accepted facility that we have enjoyed in the community for the past few years. At a recent Kiwanis Community Study, it was even suggested that the Club provide leadership in getting a dome built over the pool to enable use year-around.

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