Thursday, May 10, 2012

Then and Now

May 10th was known as the date to plant corn when I was growing-up. The Seward County "frost-free" date was around the 15th, so farmers felt safe in planting a few days earlier. This year some corn was actually planted in March and much of it in April. While this has been a very unusual spring, there is no doubt in my mind climate change  has occurred. May 10th also has the significance in our family as the date back in 1949 that sister Vivian and Eddy Soucek were married. Four years latter on this very date their son Terry was born. We celebrated this significant day by buying some annuals and planting them in the backyard plot under the River Burch. After then mowing the lawn, we sat down to rest; me with my Dr. Pepper and Elaine with her Root Beer. It was very pleasant out on the deck with the temperature in the high 80's and a brisk south wind. The sky was clear and we speculated on the destination of the planes leaving the vapor trails along the way. There was a time when we would wish that we could be up there among the passengers headed for exciting places and another time when we actually were among them. But now we watch them as we relax sipping our soda and say, "I'm glad we did it then and can do this now".

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