Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Seward Memorial Library Lot

Few people will recognize where this picture was taken here in Seward back in the late fall of 2000. It was taken from the south-east corner of the block immediately south of the block with the Court House. It is the south half of the block where the Seward Memorable Library now sets. The City Hall Building is shown behind a wall at the top-right portion of the Picture. The City tore down the buildings at the center. The building on the left edge is actually across 6th street which was demolished as part of the Jones National Bank reconstruction.
As we continue our quarantined status here at Brookdale we just continue to "chug along". I usually get a morning as well as afternoon nap. All activities involving outside entertainers have been cancelled. We listen to Press Reports on the status of the Coronavirus and efforts to flatten the curve of its expansion and the death count. It seems that Italy has reached the point of a diminished number of fatalities which is good news, Schools have gone digital with students staying home. Verlon called and is having a good visit with Elaine.

1 comment:

  1. I remember going through the house that was on that corner. It was a haunted house back in the mid/late 90's. Scared the tar out of me. Good memories. Thank you for sharing these photos. I no longer live in Seward and miss it greatly. Mine and my husband's families still live in Seward. We are 800 miles away. Your posts give me a taste of home.

    Stay safe and stay healthy. Love from Texas.
