Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dr. Dale Flowerday and his little Sister

Here is a picture of Elaine and her brother Dale that was taken about the time we started going together. Dale was unable to attend the Hall of Agricultural Achievement Banquet last evening but he was the subject of some discussion. He served for many years as an Agronomy Prof. who worked with under grads as well as serving as Advisor for many PhD candidates. He was Honored by the Hall in 2009 along with Dr. Stephen Baenziger. Last night Elaine mentioned to Mark, who was sitting next to her at the Banquet, that Dr. Flowerday was her brother. We are always amused because the usual response is a "chuckle".  He then went on to tell of how Dale could relate to the students and always made his classes interesting to the point that no one ever missed a class. He was well known for his humor and jokes but he also had his serious side. He received recognition on several occasions as the students' favorite Professor. Last night Mark even went on to tell Elaine how pleased he was to be able to set next to her since she was Dale's sister. I even related to all the people at our table that it was Dale that was responsible for introducing Elaine to me. I'm not sure but strongly suspect that he was the one that nominated me when I was accepted into the Hall many years ago. Membership is gained by nomination by an existing member and acceptance by the 200+ membership. Ten to twelve new members are brought in each year which is the number necessary to maintain the membership. The process has worked well for 98 years and I am pleased to be a part of it.

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