Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nostalgiaic Church Service

Elaine and I attended the Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical Church service this evening at Freidens United Church of Christ here is Seward. It was a very nice service led by Pastor Rob, Faith Lutheran Church, along with leaders from the Seward United Methodist Church and the host Church. The Faith Lutheran choir and their Director performed as an Ecumenical Choir with several representatives from the participating congregations. It was a very impressive service with meaningful messages from each of the 3 leaders, the beautiful Choral rendition and the Communion Service. This is the Church where Elaine was baptized, confirmed and where we were married.
My family and I had a history with the Methodist Church, but Elaine and I agreed that, if and when, we might move from Seward, we would consider going to the Methodist Church. Ironically, when we moved to Lincoln, we visited a couple Methodist Churches but preferred St. Paul United Church of Christ which we joined. When we moved back to Virginia, we again visited Methodist Churches but joined a Presbyterian Church with an active Youth program that was located across the street from where we lived. We continued to be Presbyterians after moving back to Seward but as the Church dwindled and eventually closed, we transferred our membership to the Seward Methodist Church.

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