Thursday, November 17, 2016

Change After 60+ Years

This morning I learned of the owner of this property having some off street parking constructed in the front of the house. It caught my eye since it's the first house that Elaine and I owned. We lived in an apartment for the first year and a half after  getting married and then bought this little house. It also is the first house that my parents lived in for a short time after getting married. Elaine had an Aunt and Uncle who also lived there at one time.  We moved in during the spring of 1951, and lived there till 1956.
The house is one of several in Seward that were built for victims of the 1913 Tornado that destroyed many houses. We built on a bathroom at the back side of the house and got hooked up to the sewer soon after moving in. We also built the limestone wall to provide a horizontal parking place off the graveled street. The stone for the wall came from the remodeled family farm home where I grew up north of Garland. The '52 Chevy was our first new car, and the TV antennae was necessary to receive the Lincoln and Omaha stations on our B & W Admiral set.

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