Thursday, July 16, 2015

Visit about old Times and Places

Kenneth Flowerday came out from Lincoln this morning to visit with his cousin (our son Verlon)  and go out to the farm where their Flowerday Grandparents lived for many years. Shown here is Elaine, Verlon and Ken who took the selfie. This farm is where Elaine was born and where her parents lived until after all four of our children were born. The farm has been sold a couple times since they left it and most of the buildings demolished. All that remains is the barn, windmill, and corncrib. Verlon has many fond memories of the place which we visit nearly every time he gets back from Virginia.
Kenneth is younger, had never visited his Grandparents while they lived on the farm but has heard many of the family stories about it. Kenneth’s father Dale and Elaine have had a very close Sister-Brother relationship over the years. Each have 4 children and our Carolyn being the only girl. When the kids were young, we got together very frequently; but our move to Virginia and their moves curtailed our closeness. This visit today was a most enjoyable opportunity toward renewing a closer relationship. After lunch, Kenneth told of some of the stories that he and his brothers have compiled. One of them had been written by Grandma Flowerday telling of having to carry a Railroad Rail out to her Father to use in repairing a piece of horse drawn farm machinery when she was about 10 years old. As Ken told the story, I remembered that we had that very 8 1/2” section of Rail out in the garage. I had no idea of its history but have used it for many years to crush ice while making ice cream. We really enjoyed the visit and look forward to more. 

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