Thursday, July 30, 2015

Harold Davisson Time Capsule

Yes, we were there on July 4, 1975 when Harold Davisson dedicated the Time Capsule which is covered with a pyramid on Davisson property here in Seward. We were living in Arlington, VA at the time but were back in Seward visiting family and friends. Our youngest son Jon, who was 20 years old at the time, contributed his draft card to the Capsule. Among numerous other things, it also includes a new Chevy Vega automobile. I understand that the Capsule is to be opened on July 4th, 1925 which we are rapidly approaching. The Capsule is a 20’x10’x6’ box of concrete and steel with walls, bottom and top, all 1 foot thick. While it was originally covered with dirt and marked with a sculpture called, “Utter Futility”, the sculpture was replaced in 1982 with a  Pyramid that is 30’x29’x15 feet and  also constructed of 12’ thick reinforced concrete walls. The Pyramid also contains an assortment of items including a “beat-up” old Toyota. It will be interesting to see how many people who were there in 1975 will be back in 2025 for the opening. And even more interesting,  how many of those will have one of these buttons. 

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