Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lawn Sprinklers

I put on my old "yard shoes" this afternoon and got our lawn sprinklers going for the first time this summer. It has been a beautiful spring and summer with ample rain but warmed up today to just over 90 degrees and hasn't rained for a few days. As is ofter the case, the sprinkler heads need some adjustment and some trimming is also needed. The back yard has the big Rain Bird heads with a cover that pops up and generally work real well. The front and side yard has the small little brass pop-up heads that are quite vulnerable to damage.
I installed a new 9volt battery in the sprinkler control and plugged it in to get the sprinklers activated. Like most mechanical things, the more they are used, the better they work. It was last September when this was last used. We have a nice yard, but our lawn isn't of the quality that 
Dad was able to maintain after moving to town. His lawn was his pride and joy and nothing less than perfection was acceptable. I believe ours would rate a "B" which is average for the neighborhood. We don't have any dandelions like some on our block so it meets or exceeds the neighborhood standard. Perfect is too difficult. 

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