Wednesday, July 17, 2013


We went down to Walmart this morning to check on having 35mm negatives put on CD's and find  they can do it for a very reasonable cost. The "filing system" we have used over the years was very simple. We just left the prints and the negatives in the envelope they came back in and then noted the dates and subject matter involved. It now appears that getting many family pictures on CD's that can be easily duplicated, would be appropriate. We will be working on that project. 
It was by coincidence that we met Julie and Sadie shopping in the store. This was the first time we had seen them out shopping, and it helped us realize that here was a young Mother and Daughter picking up their items of need, like many others in the store. Sadie recognized us as soon as we were in sight. They made us proud Great-Grandparents.

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