Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nebraska Soil and Water Symposium

This is the cover of the pamphlet containing the program, registration form and information on our Soil and Water Conservation Symposium. It was held at the Peter Kiewit Conference Center in Omaha, NE on February 19-20, 1985. The Symposium was brought to light by my writing a narrative of our 1985 activities. As a part of my Autobiography, I had written up all my years prior to '85 and have also written most of the past 20 years but there is a gap which I am filling. I'm going back and reading my Journal, looking at pictures and making reference to other file material such as this pamphlet. I was working for the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission as Chief of Planning at the time, and this event was an early effort of gaining information and support for a State Soil Conservation Strategy. The one and a half day event included some 200 of the "movers and shakers" in the conservation field from throughout the State as well as National representatives. Nebraska Governor Robert Kerrey was very supportive of the effort as evidenced by his   concluding Luncheon address which was delivered by his brother Bill. I had worked with Bill while planning the Symposium. Bill served the Governor as his Natural Resources assistant so I worked closely with him on numerous occasions during the Kerrey years as Governor.

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