Monday, April 30, 2018

Seward Kiwanis Newsletter

This is the front page of our quarterly Kiwanis Newsletter that was out at our meeting this noon. We have nearly 100 members with some unable to attend so the Newsletter becomes even more important. During my 25 years in the Club we have had much variation of Newsletters including none at all. Jerry Meyer, our current Club President, has largely been responsible for this excellent one. He began the quarterly letter as President elect, and I understand he will continue to be "Editor" as Past President. As President he has set "the bar so high that it will be difficult for anyone to follow him". Here is the 16 page issue with only the front, back, and committees shown. Jerry is a retired Colonel in the Nebraska National Guard and serves as Historian at the ,Guard Museum in Seward. Jerry provided
leadership for the Andrew Jackson Higgins National Memorial in Columbus, NE while he taught school there. He also served for 3 years with the military in Afghanistan.  Our Club has been recognized by the Kiwanis Nebraska-Iowa District for the quality of our Newsletter in the past and it didn't hold a candle to these. "Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time." Our Kiwanis Mission is "Serving the Children of the World". 

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