Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Good Day

The 75 degree sunshine brought Elaine and I out on the Patio this afternoon for a Panasonic selfie. We had a good day with having watched Rev. Jim Keck from 1st Plymouth in Lincoln, give his sermon based on the 23 Psalm. I had never memorized that Psalm until this winter when I also began using the Bi-Pad for sleeping. To get my mind off the machine's breathing assistance when I first go to bed, I have learned if I recite memorized Poems, Prayers, Creeds, Rituals, etc., I can go right to sleep. It was that incentive that led me to commit the 23 Psalm to memory. My confirmation as a youngster in the Congregational Church at Garland didn't include the memorization of anything other than the Books of the New Testament. I couldn't even recite the Apostle's Creed until the Sunday our oldest Son was baptized. Elaine encouraged it since we would be reciting it while standing in front of Rev. Seybold. I do find it much more difficult to memorize or even remember anything, than it was a few years ago. 
The wind blew very strong from the south-east which may bring us some rain during the next few days. Our table friend Marvin, keeps us up-to-date on the "boys" planting corn with two 16 row planters. They own a considerable amount of land and rent much more so it's a major operation. While much of it is irrigated, they still watch the weather  and appreciate the rain. Carolyn came up this afternoon, and we always enjoy her visit to keep us "tuned in".

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