Monday, April 9, 2018

From Problems to Solutions

I got back down to Kiwanis this noon where Seward County Sheriff Joe Yocum presented the program on school safety. It began with a brief film showing a very realistic school shooting. He then went on to talk about what is being done here locally to alleviate such tragedies. It involves law enforcement personnel at all levels working with school staff and others in concerted efforts. While technology will play a role in the efforts, some things are quite simple but important. Getting Police Officers familiar with school layout and personnel is an example. The length of time for getting armed Officers in direct contact with the shooter is a key factor. In some of the past tragedies, that length of time has been much longer than what can be achieved with known techniques. I felt good about what is underway in our Law Enforcement Agencies and  County School systems to avert tragedies. Much can be done without ever bringing up the subject of "Gun Restrictions" which seems to put people on definite sides of the question. . It was good to get back down to the Kiwanis meeting to hear about all the good things Kiwanis is doing locally and around the world. What's done locally is almost unbelievable.
We were pleasantly entertained this evening after supper by this group of ladies called, "The Ukuladies". They all played Ukuleles, sang familiar songs, and just seemed to all have a great time doing it. One of the ladies is the Daughter-in-Law of one of the residents here at Brookdale. There was a great crowd and every one enjoyed it. Elaine found a seat next to Betty and her daughter. My sister Janice in California and Betty continue to be good friends going back to their childhoods.

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