Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Hills Keep Getting Steeper

We have typically gone on our car ride to "the hills" sometime near Elaine's birthday on September 3, but with moving, we didn't get it done till today. It was a beautiful afternoon with corn and soybean harvest underway. We took our "normal" route by taking the old "golf course road" up to the Flowerday Farm from the south.We still have the SCS Farm Plan that was done years ago that we want to pass on to the Nielsen's (the present owners). We then went east to the Bohemian Alps and admired the beauty of Johnson Dam and Pond. It was just a short jaunt past the old Vrana farm where the walnut tree and windmill are the remaining landmarks.  We stopped to see Vivian and Don's initials scratched into the bridge structure over Oak Creek and were pleased to see the nice water flow through the  channel is several feet lower because of straightening. 
 We went over past what we called the Roth place when we owned it and went on south to Old Mill Rd. which took us past the 2 vehicles parked in downtown Garland. We went a mile south past our "John Meyer farm" and visited with Mrs Duer who was out at the road and ready to go on a horseback ride. She remembered taking us on a tour of the house a few years ago and invited us to do it again some time. They continue to make improvements on the place. We took a deep breath as we entered our Brookdale unit and thought it was well we had the farms when we were young but glad we don't have them now.

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