Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Elaine, I and "The Girls".

We didn't spend much time at the house today but I brought home several files to go through while watching baseball games. I was pleased to see the Yankees win and will be pulling for the Cubs. One of the folders had Carolyn's name on it and covered the late '80's & "90"s. Carolyn was teaching school and Julie was in High School. The girls spent a lot of time with us and we were really caught up in all of Julies school activities. The picture is on the walk in front of our 1st street house. The two large Pin Oaks in the background were taken down a few years ago and we don't miss them. Going back through the file reminded me that this was probably one of the happiest periods in our lives. Our health was good, we were retired from day-to-day work. I played golf regularly, was on the City Council and involved with various other organizations. The girls helped me with computer problems.
One of our favorite meals was the Soup, Salad and Breadsticks at the Olive garden in Lincoln. The girls had also acquired a little poodle and named him "Jack". He was  a member of the family.
I would often pick him up from Carolyn's house after coffee and we would keep him until she would pick him up after school. We would visit when I brought him to our house with him setting on my lap and his head out the window. We would visit about a variety of subjects and he never seemed to disagree with anything I said.  It was a sad day  when he had to be put down. I was on the number 1 green when the call came that he was gone. The sorrow of loosing him was more than offset by the pleasure he provided. It was a touching part of those exceptional years of being a part of the girls exciting lives.

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