Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Snowstorm

We "sprang forward"  our clocks and watches last night and had plans for a full Sunday of activities by going to church, to Friend, NE for a Czech Ag. program and come home through Beaver Crossing. However, none of that was to be when Elaine brought in the newspapers early and announced that we were having a blizzard. It continued throughout the day and is forecast to last until tomorrow morning. We didn't get out of the house all day but did have some visitors. Elaine used her creativity and fed us well. It was a good time for Jon, Mary and Anna to spend time with John, Julie and Sadie. It was also a busy day for the birds in our back yard. The Junco's were particularly active though many others were around. I made no attempt to start up the snow blower nor clean off any snow with it continuing to fall and the wind continuing to blow. Some of the schools in the area have already announced their being closed tomorrow but have not seen anything about Seward. The forecast at 6:00pm was for clearing during the day tomorrow and temperatures to be back up to 50 degrees on Wednesday. The boys State Basketball tournament ended last night and over the years, we have had many spring snowstorms at the time of the tournament. There is no place like Nebraska. 

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