Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Picture Collage of Past Events

For many years I have scanned our pictures and put together collages like the one shown here. This one is page 1 (of 2) that I just finished for the 2001 year. I still have 5 years ('96-00) to do to get caught up. We were using a Kodak Advantix camera during those years and have kept the prints well organized. We keep the collages in a binder with captions written on the previous page. I try to get pictures that represent the significant things that we do during the year. As we look back we sometimes think that we should take more pictures of the "mundane" things we do on a daily basis. We realize many of life's "ordinary" days are pretty special if they are no longer possible. And, we never know when that may happen. As I walked out of Devaney Field House after Seward lost their semifinal game in the State Tournament, I wondered if I would ever get back. The University basketball teams will be moving into a new facility next fall and Devaney will be remodeled for Volleyball. The State HS Tournaments will still be there but I don't anticipate Seward getting back very soon. 

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