Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sadie & G. Grandmother

Yesterday we got up to see Sadie , her Mother and Grandmother. She was two weeks old this past Monday and was put on a different feeding regimen. It has really "perked her up". It seems that she wasn't getting enough to eat and is a much happier baby under the new set up.  You can tell by the look on Great Grandmothers face that she too is in better spirits now that Sadie is doing better. We all are feeling better now that she is. This is really a new experience for Elaine and I. We weren't around our own grandchildren very much when they were this age. While we went down to North Carolina to see Julie when she was just 9 days old, it was only for a weekend. I noted in my Journal on January 18, 1980 that, "Julie Noelle is real well filled out and a pretty little baby. She woke up soon after we came and is real alert. While she was on her stomach she lifted up her head and turned it from one side to the other". On February 8th Carolyn called to say she was up to 10lbs. and 5oz. The Doctor had said she was, "A perfect baby with exceptionally good muscular coordination". They came up to Washington for a weekend visit in late March. And didn't see them again until we were all moved back to Seward at the end of June. From then on, they were an important part of our household. 

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