Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Whitehouse

This is a very poor version of the picture. It was
taken at the Whitehouse on August 7, 1969, just a couple weeks after the July 20 landing of the    "men on the moon". Tim had been out to UN-L to get registered and Laurie came back with him. (We took her home in just 2-3 weeks later as we drove back to Nebraska). This was an event at the Whitehouse where visiting Dignitaries were in town and the President could call of Civil Servants to build a crown. I was able to get the OK for all of us plus the young lady next to Laurie who was a new employee in my office. President Richard M. Nixon and Henry Kissinger were hosting Leaders from Germany so we were able to take it all in. It always included an inspection of the troops, A Lawn Welcoming Ceremony and good Band music. We must have attended about a half-dozen such events during our 18 years in DC.

1 comment:

  1. I recall getting the opportunity to see Willy Brandt, Germany Chancellor, and Haile Selassie, Ethiopia.
