Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music of the 1930's

John Korsgaard presented a program this afternoon at 2:30 in the Independent Dining room on "Memories and Melodies of 1933". John played phonographic records and showed the record covers of popular musicians that brought Swing music to the public in the 1930's. He inherited much home his music from his father and had a couple picture postcards from California that came from his Grandfather. The Depression of the 1930's in the United States had a direct effect on the music of that era. Country Music reached a new high with musicians like Roy Acoff. The period reached a peak with the talents of Elvis Presley. I regretted having to miss part of his presentation  for visits from a Nurse and a Therapist. I am reaching the end of my Theropy treatments and the meetings were necessary. One of my memories that his presentation brought out involved Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra. There was a time back in the '30's when "The Hit Parade" was a regular Saturday night radio program of the "top 10" popular songs. I kept track of them for some time and remembered the Glen Gray Orchestra.

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