I have spent a lot of time in my Office since we made the decision recently to move to the unassisted Living Unit at Brookdale. The office is in the lower level of our house and was part of an unfinished, 20' 7" by 14' 7" storage room when we bought the house 36 years ago. We laid floor tile on the south 9 feet of the area as a first step, a hot water radiator was already in place near the bottom of the south wall. I built three, 3'sections of bookcases that provides the east "wall" and separates the "office" from the "shop". Wall board was put on the west wall of the office area and wood paneling on the south side of the room. We had a rug just the right size for the floor.
While the ceiling is finished with ceiling tile throughout the rest of the lower level, the 2 x 10" floor joist are visible in the whole storage room. We worked on remodeling this area during the time I was working with the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission and attending many meetings where name tags were provided. I started stapling them to the 2x10's to provide some color as well as an interesting way to display "reminders" of meetings throughout the country in various capacities. At least 30 years ago, Elaine began reminding me that they would be more difficult to get down than to put up. During Verlon's visit, he was able to get them all down. I hope to find a better picture showing them but you get the idea from the first picture.
GREAT PROGRESS! I'm impressed!