Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Seward Aging Commission

The Seward Aging Commission (SAC) Board of Directors met last night at the Lied Senior Center. I have been designated by Mayor Eickmeier as the City Liaison to attend their meetings. Last night was the "transitional" meeting where new Board Members were seated and Officers elected. To the right is a picture of the Board  that has served admirably during the past year. They are: (Front row l-r) Emily Greguras, SAC Ass't(Not a Board Member); Harold Wheeler, Vice Chair; Marna Grubb, Chair; & Mike Klintworth, Sec'y. Back row: Jean Kinnamon, Wilma Luth, Nita Goings, Merlyn Berg and Dean Gade.
The new Board is pictured to the left. You will note the carry over of some Board members but they are limited to two consecutive terms to assure turnover. Again, Front row, l-r: Emily Greguras, SAC Ass't; Merlyn Berg, Vice Chair; Harold Wheeler, Chair; & Dave Besse, Sec'y. Back row: Leona Feistner, Jean Kinnamon, Wilma Luth, Nita Goings and Ben Chaffin. Though Emily has the title SAC Assistant, she is the Coordinator of all the activities that are  carried out by the Volunteers. They really provide a service to the community with activities ranging from a Transportation service to Wellness classes. In between are Meal services, Birthday Dinners, Potato Bakes, Card playing, Movies, Exercise events, etc., and even occasional out of town trips. The Center will celebrate the 15th anniversary of their facility next month. While they have over 200 participating for their "once a month" potato bake, the number of daily participants is much lower. It is a great facility and Emily is providing excellent leadership. More of us senior citizens in the community should be taking advantage of what is being offered, the most important of which is Fellowship.

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