Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Mother's 1967 Scrapbook

 I came across the Scrap Book that Mother put together after their trip from Seward back to visit us from 12/21-30/1967 in South Arlington, VA. We met them at Friendship Airport in Baltimore, MD after their evening flight from Lincoln>Omaha>Friendship. It was late by the time we drove to our house but stayed up late to visit. We had them set-up to sleep on the ground level of our house. The next day, Carolyn stayed home from school with an ear ache but the boys went to school; Elaine and I went to work. I went home after lunch and picked up the folks to attend the USDA Secretary's Christmas Party. It was a gala affair in Jefferson Auditorium and they got to shake hands and visit with Secretary Freeman. The next morning, Saturday, Elaine and I took them on a VIP tour of the White House, home of President Lyndon B. Johnson. That afternoon I took them on a tour of the US Capitol, the Rail Road Station, GW University and Hospital. That night we all attended the Church Pagent with live sheep where Jon was a Shepard and I was a Wise Man. After Church on Sunday and a Fried Chicken Dinner, we visited the National Geographic Building, the old Smithsonian Institution and Museum of History and Technology. Monday was Christmas Day and Elaine and I drove the folks out toward the Blue Ridge Mountains and spent some time observing the Arthur Godfrey ranch and cattle from the road. We went on to Winchester and had Clam Chowder Soup at a Howard Johnson's. Carolyn and Tim had put the Turkey in the oven and it was just perfect for our Christmas Dinner that evening. Mother made telephone calls to family, and we had our gift opening.
On Tuesday, 12/26/67 Elaine and Jon took the Folks to the National Cathedral and Arlington Cemetery. They visited the Custis Lee Mansion where Mother wrote that Jon would remember getting into wet paint, and the Eternal Flame at the John F. Kennedy grave. They saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Marine Memorial raising the flag on Iwo Jima. The next day Elaine, Carolyn and Jon, took them to visit Christ Church in Alexandria, VA, the cobblestone street and went through the Wax Museum. They also went through the new Bible Wax Museum. That evening, Elaine and I with Jon took the folks down to see the National Christmas Tree on the Mall in front of the White House. We were able to walk right up to it where they were impressed. Though it snowed and rained most of the next day, Verlon, Jon and I took them of tour of new Aviation and Space Museum. After lunch we went downtown to the Federal Aviation Building and went on a tour of the Mint at the Bureau of Printing where we saw paper money and stamps printed. On Friday we took them to Korvette at the shopping center and in Baltimore harbor, saw a full size replica of the ship that Columbus used to discover America.
We all took the Folks up to Friendship Airport on Saturday morning and they were back in Lincoln by 1:20 where they were met by Vivian, Eddy, Terry and Sandy. Mother did a great job of documenting everything; it's a real family heirloom.

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