Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Good Report

 On one of our coldest days of the winter, I had medical app'ts here is Seward at 9:00am; 10:00am; and 1:30pm. With Carolyn's taxi service and personal support and assistance, we got through it all. This machine did the CT scan and X-ray. While inside the machine, I was directed by it to: breath, hold it and breath. After a few cycles the technician interjected a "warming substance intravenously. The results of all of this test as well as others, were  available to Dr. Mansure when we met with her at 1:30. She was pleased with the results and did an excellent job of relating it all to Carolyn and I and answering our questions. She helped clarify some of our medications and decided to cease any use of the Bi-pap. She warned of the possibility of a recurrence and of the need to be alert to any symptoms. It was interesting to hear her tell of teaching a University Course on aging. One of the basics is that we are no longer able to do many things we took for granted while younger. And, must accept living within our limitations. A good attitude is essential in making the most of our remaining abilities. I not only quit playing golf a few years ago, I don't play basketball anymore either.


  1. Are you on oxygen then at night or during the day? So glad you didn't have to go to Lincoln with such cold weather conditions.
