Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Potato Farmer Julie and Potato Sack Sadie

This is Sadie with her Mother Julie in a Rotary Club Halloween custom competition this evening at the Seward Civic Center. The battery of my camera was low so the picture doesn't do justice to the "Sack of Potatoes" costume, nor to Julie's "Potato Farmer" outfit. They didn't win a prize in the judging but the Grandparents and Great-Grandparents all agreed that they were #1. It's interesting that the crowd at the event with competition from less than a year old to age 12, filled the Auditorium. The event topped off a busy day of being in Lincoln for Elaine's further examination in preparation for having her eyelids lifted. The test showed that she was missing quite a bit of vision with their drooping. I had to wait a while for my new glasses to be finished so we spent time with Dale and Marleen. They are continuing to reduce "stuff" also as they prepare to move into smaller quarters in the near future. Dale gave us University of Nebraska Yearbooks from 1945, 1948 and 1950. Elaine and I each went through one of them this evening. They were most interesting in that we came across the pictures of several people that we worked with over the years. I'm not sure what we will do with them since they are so heavy, it will be almost cost prohibitive to mail if sold on eBay. I may even try Craig's list. I'm certain that there are Grandchildren out there today who would be interested is seeing what it was like when their Grandparents were in College. 

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