Saturday, June 15, 2019

Garland High School Alumni Reunion

Here is part of the 53 people who attended the Garland High School Alumni Reunion Luncheon in the American Legion Hall there this noon. Wilma Beckman Gard is shown here at the podium calling the meeting to order. This may have been our lowest attendance but the last graduation class was is 1966 which was 53 years ago. I was the oldest having graduated in 1942. We had several more people congratulate Elaine and I on our 70 years of Marriage. One fellow even mentioned that he noticed that Brother Don and Gladys were catching up with us. Here is a picture of our table mates which shows some of the "younger people"  (left >right) Allen, Bob Krieser and Harvey Strizek. Bob will be President for the coming year and with his committee plan next years event. There was some discussion a couple years ago about "calling it quits" but some of the "younger" grads felt strongly that the organization should continue and end when it's time dictated-not to be stopped ahead of time. It seemed that as long as there are people willing to accept the Officer position and plan a reunion, it should continue. The 2020 Committee is: Bob Krieser, Pres.; Lodeen Vollstedt Koranda, Sec'y & Ila Bock Deinert, Treas. They are to be congratulated.

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