Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Butterfly Effect

Rev. Robert Henre, from the Seward United Methodist Church, led the Service at Brookdale this afternoon. Ellie played the piano for the several songs we sang. Andy Andrews 2010 booklet on "The Butterfly Effect" on "Your Life Matters", served as the text for his message. He began by telling of a Scientist some years ago writing that a Butterfly flapping it's Wings in America could cause a Hurricane on the other side of the globe. While his theory was not taken seriously at the time, some 30 years later, it was recognized as a possibility. He went on to trace the actions of individuals from Andrews book on their effect of major events. Col. Chamberlain, a 34 year old School Teacher, made decisions at the Battle of Gettysburg that led to Union victory and the preservation of the United States. George Washington Carver was adopted and raised by parents who encouraged his interest in horticulture to develop and eventually led to his Peanut research and utilization. Norman Borlang a 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner developed strains of wheat that led to the Green Revolution. Most of us never know of something we may do or have done that could change the world.

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