Thursday, February 12, 2015

Paul Dee Smith

The funeral service for Paul Dee Smith was held in Lincoln today but we were unable to attend due to the weather and scheduling difficulties.  Paul was a great Soil Conservation friend and long time associate as President of the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Foundation. I took this picture of Paul last spring at the Annual SCS/NRCS  Retirees Spring Banquet. Paul’s role that evening was in reading the names and paying tribute to our number that had passed on during the preceding year. Paul like many Soil Conservations had at 35-year career with the agency after growing up on a farm, receiving a Degree from UN-L, and working in 11 positions at 8 different locations. Like most employees who thought of their work as a calling rather than a job to conserve and protect our natural resources. Paul did a good job in every position he ever held. It is only appropriate to say, “Well Done, Paul.” 

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