Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sadie, Blocks & Gadgets

We went to early Church this morning and the Owens family came to visit before lunch. It was the first time that I have heard Sadie say, "Grandma". She was "busy" every minute they were here. Despite her Dad's efforts to get her to play with blocks, she was most interested in knocking them down. He was able to get her to stack a few of them up but it was only for the fun of knocking them over. Most of the things she was most interested in were the things she couldn't "play with". She knows what turns the TV on and which button to push to make it happen. My camera is one of her favorite things to play with and any efforts to control what she can do with it are met with very "audible" resistance. As I told her parents, it's a good thing she hasn't learned any profanity, but she was able to make her case without it. It isn't really fair to expect her to understand what she can and can't do once she has a hold of these electronic gadgets. We need to keep them "out of sight" and spend more time with her playing with blocks, Fievel, dolls, etc. I probably deserved the scolding she gave me even without swearing.

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