Thursday, August 22, 2013

Old enough to Work

This Bill and Jeff Keane cartoon which appeared in this mornings papers generated a lot of conversation at out house and down at the Senior Center Potato Bake this noon. It was difficult to compete with Elaine as she told of milking old Pet at the evening milking when she was 5 years old. I questioned how she was even big enough to hold a bucket between her legs and she said old Pet was so gentle that she just set it down under her. I told of herding cows, cutting weeds, and pumping water as a youngster. I started milking cows in the evenings when I was about 10 years old. My twin Brother and Sister were born during a January blizzard when I was 11. Mother was scheduled to go to the Hospital for delivery but the blizzard blocked the roads and a local Doctor was brought to the house through community efforts. I helped milk the cows that morning and continued to do so until Elaine and I got married and moved to town. I was 15 when I worked for a neighbor shocking wheat and running a rack in our "thrashing run". I got my SS Card on my 16th birthday and went to work on Highway construction. Some of my jobs, like working in the Omaha Swift & Co. packing house helped me really appreciate working for the USDA Soil Conservation Service when that opportunity became available. 

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