Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dark Clouds and Dark Days

This picture was taken near Boise City, Oklahoma on April 15, 1935. It is a dramatic view of the "Dust Bowl" that the Southern High Plains suffered through  in the '30's along with the depression. We in Seward County Nebraska were on the northeastern corner of the dust bowl area. I was old enough to remember a dusting of red soil that blew up from Oklahoma during one summer night by a strong south wind. And also remember seeing tasseling corn turn white and shrivel up during a 110 degree day with high south winds. These times were much more difficult for parents than kids because we had never known anything other than what we were experiencing. And, what was more frightening to a youngster in those days was the rising power of Nazi Germany, Faciest Italy and the Emperor of Japan. A friend sent me this website this morning that has pictures and captions from those WW II days that refresh an old man's memory. It is:

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