Thursday, March 15, 2018

Czech Pictures for Learning

These pictures were taken in the fall of 1993 when my sister, Vivian and Ed; brother Don and Gladys; joined Elaine and I on a trip to Europe. We went to Chaslov in the Czech Republic where our Vrana Grandparents had migrated from to the USA. A lot of planning went into the trip. Each of us brothers and sister had relatives or friends over there that facilitated the trip. Ed being able to speak Czech fluently was also a big plus. I had met Miroslav on a USDA mission a few years earlier, and he had been over here on business. The other two couples had been over to Prague earlier and met "Uncle Nick" who was a great host who insisted that we see "Old Town" at night with the old buildings all light up.
This picture was taken at the home of Miroslav and his wife (in the foreground). Now fast forward 25 years and find that these pictures were scanned on the new HP computer, printer set up that Jon is providing us to replace the one that he helped us get set up 10 years ago. While I was able to process pictures routinely with the old  computer, this new one with Window's 10 is totally different. I spent a lot of time  getting these two processed and made some notes along the way. I may even go through the several steps tomorrow and dictate them to Elaine. And, may do that with each of the programs I use.

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