Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Organizing my Pictures

I came across this Butcher Kettle picture this afternoon while finishing the indexing of Digital Picture Folders. It will now be 1 of 7 that come up when "Butcher Kettle" is entered into the "search box" near the top of my blog page. I have been taking digital pictures since 2002 and have continued to used a filing system on my PC for keeping them organized. It basically involved downloading, processing and putting them in folders.Typically each folder will contain 5-15 pictures. There will be 5-15 folders/Month and then the 12 months of the year. The index which I just completed list the subject matter of pictures in each folder. The next step has been to put the pictures from each year on a DVD. Our move to Brookdale has made a difference of what  pictures I take and having a cell phone with excellent picture taking capability, calls for an entirely new system of filing.  To date, I'm just dropping my processed cell phone pictures into a folder on the Desktop of my laptop. I expect to spend more time in scanning old pictures and getting them organized on to DVDs and expecting to take many new pictures.

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