Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Finding Things

There is hardly a day that goes by when we don't find or come across something we have looked for after our move here to Brookdale. We remembered having the Autoharp set aside from things going on the Auction and saving it back for Jon, but couldn't remember whether he took it back to Virginia with him or what happened to it. While on the phone with Jon over the weekend, I remembered to ask him about it. He hadn't taken it with him and was quite certain the it was here in our Unit. I started checking and there it was, on the top shelf of the west closet. So tonight I pulled it down and assumed a Mother Maybelle Carter pose and had Elaine take my picture. I did push the buttons for a few cords but didn't even think of singing any of the old Carter songs. Jon and I did have the opportunity to see Mother Maybelle when some of the family played at one of the Folk Festivals on the Mall in Washington, D.C. back in the mid 70's. It was a great experience.

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