Friday, February 9, 2018

More of Our Moves

 During the four years we lived in Lincoln I accumulated some 70 hours of college credit, passed an FSEE exam and completed a year of Administrative Office training with the agreement of moving to any location where needed at the year's completion. It was determined to be the USDA, Soil Conservation Service headquarters personnel office in Washington, D.C. We contracted with Dudley Transfer to take our furniture to the Fairlington Apartments where we had rented a 3 bedroom unit. The move was complicated by having to be out of our house before July 1, 1962 and not able to move in to Fairlington until August 1st
We spent some of the time at our folks, in our station wagon move, and at Presidential Gardens in Alexandria (near Fairlington). We were settled in, attended Church and I began writing in my Diary on August 5th for the first time since June 18th
Our time in Fairlington was less than 2 years but an ideal place since the fellow I worked with, Russ Lock and wife Mary, lived across the street. He immediately got me in their car pool and when Elaine had a Hysterectomy, Mary even helped with house work. We took shelter during the Cuban Missile Crisis and mourned President Kennedy's assassination. After careful shopping, we bought a 3-bedroom brick home at 2724 South Arlington Ridge Road near the Elementary school and Gunston Junior High. On April 25, 1964 I rented a truck and Dale Ross, his son Steve and Arnold Davis helped us move. 
                                                                   (To be continued)

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